From the School Principal

Feyziye Schools Foundation, which has been guiding education with great stability for 139 years, has embraced the idea of preparing its students to graduate with strong identities while adhering to the current curriculum and the foundational ideas of the school. You are graduating from our school as the youngest members of a large family. The Işık High School diploma you have and the competencies you have gained here will give you strength throughout your life.
To make the world a better place, all that people and society need is education. In the fast-changing world of the 21st century, the definition and role of education has changed significantly. While education used to only include the knowledge and skills acquired at school, it has now become accessible to everyone, anywhere, at any time. Today, education has become more than just the transfer of knowledge and skills and has turned into a process that supports the personal and social development of students. Rapid advances in information and technology, changing needs and increasing global problems have led to the need to rethink and restructure education systems.
Education, like other aspects of life, is characterized by fast transitions and multidimensionality. Coordinating with these adjustments ensures educational continuity. Ensuring educational continuity; science and technical advancements are the driving forces behind societal change. The rapid growth of information technologies has pushed the individual out of his comfort zone, transforming him into a human profile capable of following continually updated technologies, sharing information swiftly and efficiently, and producing information. The primary objective of education is to help students understand various cultures and viewpoints while utilizing knowledge, tolerance, open-mindedness, and skill development to address global issues that affect all of mankind. Our students, who adopt the principle of continuity in education, will be able to quickly adapt to these developments with the lifelong learner profile they acquired at Işık Schools.
While the science and technology trend continues, it is important to remember that ethics and values should be central to education. Many educational experts emphasize the need of educating "our hearts as well as our minds". Işık Schools' education policy focuses on "raising good citizens first" by developing students' moral foundation and emotional intelligence to solve societal problems through empathy, social sensitivity, and cooperation.
Dear alumni and students,
You have the ability to preserve beauty, transform negativity, and build a better society. Thanks to the education you acquired in the footsteps of Ataturk's principles and revolutions, the "Light" you need will always be in your spirit. I wish everyone a bright future.
Sincerely and with respect,
FMV Işık Nişantaşı Campus