“The volunteers of Işık High school” are at the 44th NKolay Istanbul Marathon.
NKolay, which has the distinction of being the only intercontinental marathon in the World, has reached it’s 44th year with the Istanbul Marathon. Participating in the 8K public run as “Işık High school volunteers”, where everyone can take part either by walking or running. For our campaign for early diagnosis and education for Autism, the slogan is “We are running for goodness” as we will be supporting the foundation for children with cancer. NKolay 44th Istanbul Marathon; 42K and 15K will be run in the Skating and 8K Public Run categories, and everyone from the Işık family can register for the category they desire. They will be able to participate in the campaigns we have opened by joining the "Işık High School Volunteers" team. The deadline for the event, which will take place on Sunday, November 2022, is 17 October 2022. The registration for the 8K race will be available in October.
To apply: https://maraton.istanbul/
For information:Işık High School -Physical Education Department 0212 233 12 03 – 1215