FMV Private Erenköy Işık High School and Science High School 11th Academic Integrity Week was celebrated on October 10-14, 2022 this year. Based on the theme of ”honesty", various events were organized throughout the week.
First of all, it is not about reaching information; reaching accurate and reliable information has become even more important nowadays, based on our principle of educating students who are aware of the concept of “honesty” in their personal values and who have adopted the principles of academic honesty, the film ”The Truman Show" is watched at all levels.
Based on the film, the interdisciplinary “What Did I Learn from a Lie?” and "Installation" works were performed. In addition, our Science 1st grade students prepared a board study by researching the topic of “Academic Honesty in Science”.
Acting on the principle of "Raising good people first" since 1885, our high schools were also given “Homework and Project Writing Training” by the IBDP Extended Essay (Graduation Thesis) Coordinator Tuğçe AYAN in preparatory, 9th and 10th classes.
In the training during the week, high school and Science High School students learned “academic honesty, 9 MLA Bibliography writing rules, homework and project Writing” rules, issues of plagiarism.
We would like to thank all the teachers and students who contributed.