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5. Sınıflar Sosyal Bilgiler Dersinde Cumhuriyetin Kazanımlarını Konuşuyoruz
16.10.20205. Sınıflar Sosyal Bilgiler Dersinde Cumhuriyetin Kazanımlarını Konuşuyoruz -
Cumhuriyet Haftası-Tülin Kozikoğlu
16.10.2020Cumhuriyet Haftası-Tülin Kozikoğlu -
5A Google Earth Scavenger Hunt
15.10.2020On October 15th, 2020, Grade 5 CBL students participated in an online scavenger hunt. The students were split into groups and put into breakout rooms on Zoom. Each team was given a set of questions, which they answered using the Google Earth website. The teams were given twenty minutes to complete as many of the questions as they could. At the end of the activity, the teachers went over the answers with the teams.
This activity was designed to promote teamwork and cooperation, while at the same time allowing students to display their knowledge of islands, which they acquired over the three previous weeks while studying the “All about Islands” book. The scavenger hunt also allowed students to practice their internet based research skills. The winning team from each class was rewarded with points in the online classroom management tool Classcraft.
5B Google Earth Scavenger Hunt
15.10.2020On October 15th, 2020, Grade 5 CBL students participated in an online scavenger hunt. The students were split into groups and put into breakout rooms on Zoom. Each team was given a set of questions, which they answered using the Google Earth website. The teams were given twenty minutes to complete as many of the questions as they could. At the end of the activity, the teachers went over the answers with the teams.
This activity was designed to promote teamwork and cooperation, while at the same time allowing students to display their knowledge of islands, which they acquired over the three previous weeks while studying the “All about Islands” book. The scavenger hunt also allowed students to practice their internet based research skills. The winning team from each class was rewarded with points in the online classroom management tool Classcraft.
5C Google Earth Scavenger Hunt
15.10.2020On October 15th, 2020, Grade 5 CBL students participated in an online scavenger hunt. The students were split into groups and put into breakout rooms on Zoom. Each team was given a set of questions, which they answered using the Google Earth website. The teams were given twenty minutes to complete as many of the questions as they could. At the end of the activity, the teachers went over the answers with the teams.
This activity was designed to promote teamwork and cooperation, while at the same time allowing students to display their knowledge of islands, which they acquired over the three previous weeks while studying the “All about Islands” book. The scavenger hunt also allowed students to practice their internet based research skills. The winning team from each class was rewarded with points in the online classroom management tool Classcraft.
5D Google Earth Scavenger Hunt
15.10.2020On October 15th, 2020, Grade 5 CBL students participated in an online scavenger hunt. The students were split into groups and put into breakout rooms on Zoom. Each team was given a set of questions, which they answered using the Google Earth website. The teams were given twenty minutes to complete as many of the questions as they could. At the end of the activity, the teachers went over the answers with the teams.
This activity was designed to promote teamwork and cooperation, while at the same time allowing students to display their knowledge of islands, which they acquired over the three previous weeks while studying the “All about Islands” book. The scavenger hunt also allowed students to practice their internet based research skills. The winning team from each class was rewarded with points in the online classroom management tool Classcraft.
Demokrasi Eğitimi ve Okul Meclisi Projesi
14.10.2020Okulumuzda “Demokrasi Eğitimi ve Okul Meclisi Projesi” kapsamında yapılan Okul Öğrenci Meclisi seçimlerinde, Okul Meclis Başkanımız 8. Sınıf öğrencilerimizden Mehveş Hatemi ve Okul Meclis Başkan Yardımcımız Yaprak Kişioğlu seçilmiştir. Öğrencilerimize görevlerinde başarılar dileriz.
5. Sınıflar Kaygı ve Baş Etme Yolları
13.10.20205. Sınıflar ile Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık dersinde gruplar halinde “Kaygı ve baş etme yolları” konusunu işledik. Tamamen öğrencilerin yönetiminde gerçekleşen grup çalışmalarının sonuçlarından elde ettiğimiz veriler ile okul içerisinde kullanacağımız bilgilendirici afişler tasarladık. Öğrencilerimiz keyifle katıldıkları bu grup çalışmasında hem birbirleri ile sohbet etme imkanı buldu hem de grup çalışmasına yatkınlıkları, liderlik becerileri konusunda değerlendirildi.
Grade 5 students discussed in groups “Anxiety and How to Cope with Anxiety” in their Counselling lesson. All the discussions were directed by students and at the end of discussions, we designed informative posters to put all around the school. Our students were happy to join this activity and with the help of this activity, they had the chance to work in groups and chat. As teachers, we had the chance to evaluate our students’ tendency to group activity and their leadership skills.
11.10.2020Fen bilimleri zümresi; “Dünya Uzay Haftası” kutlamaları ve 5-6 ve 7. sınıf fen bilimleri dersi ilk ünitelerinin “Uzay” teması olması kapsamında, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) de çalışmalarını sürdüren Astrofizikçi Dr. Tansu Daylan ile “Derin Uzay Araştırmaları” hakkında e-konferans düzenledi.
Harvard Üniversitesinde “Karanlık Madde” üzerine doktorasını tamamlayan ve MIT’de çalışmalarını sürdüren Dr. DAYLAN, öğrencilere evrenin, gezegenlerin yapısı ve güneş sisteminin oluşumu gibi merak edilen konularda açıklamalarda bulundu.
Öğrencilerimizin yoğun ilgi ile takip ettiği e-konferans, Dr. DAYLAN’ın soruları yanıtlamasının ardından sona erdi.
As part of the “World Space Week” celebrations, the science department organised an e-conference, which was about “Deep Space Research”. The speaker was Astrophysicist Dr. Tansu DAYLAN, who is working at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a research assistant.
Having completed his doctorate on "Dark Matter" at Harvard University and continuing his studies at MIT, Dr. DAYLAN made explanations to the students on curious subjects such as the structure of the universe, planets, and the formation of the solar system.
The e-conference, which is followed by our students with great interest, ended after Dr. DAYLAN answered the questions.
Matematiksel Beyin Antrenmanı
11.10.20205. Sınıf öğrencilerimize matematik dersi kapsamında her hafta sonu akıl ve zekâ sorusu yönlendirmekteyiz. Akıl ve zekâ soruları öğrencilerin sorgulama, çözümleme, yaratıcı ve pratik düşünme becerilerini geliştiren ve dikkat gerektiren sorulardır. Bu haftanın sorusuna ilk doğru cevabı veren ve haftanın kazananı 5-B sınıfından Yağmur Öztat olmuştur. Önümüzdeki haftanın sorusunu öğrencilerimize yine classroom üzerinden cuma günü okul dersleri bittikten sonra paylaşacağız.
Mathematical Brain Training
In 5th grade as part of mathematics lesson, we direct brain teaser questions to our students every weekend. Brain teaser questions are questions that enhance students' inquiry, analysis, creative and practical thinking skills and require attention. Yağmur Öztat from the 5-B was the first to answer this week's question correctly and she is the winner of the week. We will share next week's question with our students again over classroom after school classes are finished on Friday.
Attila İlhan Anma Günü Etkinliği
10.10.20207. sınıf öğrencilerimiz Işık Lisesi mezunu, edebiyatımızın kaptanı, büyük şair Attila İlhan’ı şiirleriyle andılar. Kendi sesinden hayatını anlattığı videonun da izlendiği etkinlikte programı sunan, şairin şiirlerini seslendiren öğrencilerimize emekleri için teşekkür ederiz.
6 Ekim İstanbul'un Kurtuluşu Etkinlikleri
06.10.20205. sınıf öğrencilerimiz, 6 Ekim İstanbul'un Kurtuluşu etkinlikleri kapsamında sosyal bilgiler dersinde bugünün anlam ve önemini öğretmenlerinden dinlediler ve ardından tarihi ve doğal güzellikleriyle İstanbul'u anlattıkları afişlerini arkadaşlarıyla paylaştılar. Tüm öğrencilerimize katkılarından dolayı teşekkür ediyoruz.