Aydın Karacasu Alemler Service Learning Trip
On January 12-15 2019, a group of students and teachers travelled to Alemler village in Karasu, Aydın as part of a service learning project. The group comprised 37 students from Işık and Işık Erenköy High Schools and their supervising teachers. This project aimed to raise awareness among our students of the importance of service learning, offer them a different perspective, while at the same time allow them to provide needed materials to fellow students. We travelled to Karacasu Alemler Primary and Middle School in Aydın, met the students there and got to know each other through engaging in a variety of activities, from arts to sports, science and social awareness. At the same time, the day provided an opportunity for Işık teachers and students to observe the needs of the students in order to be able to provide support. In the remaining time available, our Işık students paid a visit to Aydın Archeology Museum, and Afrodisias, the ancient city that was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2017. On the final day, we returned to the school in Alemler and spent a second day with students there. We feel this short visit was truly beneficial for both our students and their compatriots in Alemler, offering both groups a glimpse into very different lives, and raising their social awareness. We thank all students and teachers involved in the project.